达拉斯的摄影师 Nikola Olić 在世界各地旅行时,喜欢抬头拍摄建筑物。他总是喜欢选取独特的角度,通过精心组合的光影,让你看到的照片是那样的独特。
Nikola 的作品受到了 Josef Koudelka,Thomas Struth,Andreas Gursky 和 Michael Wolf 等大师的影响。他的每张照片都是从一个角度仔细的观看,使他们看起来像是独一无二甚至是有些混乱的。

Light Dots, Washington DC

The Reflection, Chicago, IL

Pool Reflection, Belgrade, Serbia

The Square Sky, Barcelona,Spain

Sky Building, Long Beach, CA

Pink Tarp, Long Beach, CA

Reflected Building, Dallas, TX

Facade vs Facade, Dallas, TX

Mirror Facade, Barcelona, Spain

Mediterranean Tank, Barcelona, Spain

The Mediterranean Middle, Barcelona, Spain

Ground Zero Balance, New York City, NY

Golden Lining, Dallas, TX

Flattened Roof, Dallas, TX

Fair Park, Fair Shadow, Dallas, TX

Crying Windows, Barcelona, Spain

The Curtain Building, Dallas, TX

Building With Steps, Fort Worth, TX

Bronze Building, Dallas, TX

Broken Building, Dallas, TX

The Blue Green Mile, Dallas, TX

Read Between the Facades, New York City, New York

Windy City, Chicago, IL

Subway Curves, New York City, NY

A Circle of Squares, New York City, NY