法国摄影师 Aëla Labbé:在光影中舞动的古老梦境

" I see rebirth as a circle from darkness to light. Freedom is a self-surrender."
Aëla Labbé,出生于法国布列塔尼半岛,曾在阿姆斯特丹学习现代舞,现在作为专业舞者并教授现代舞,而在舞蹈之外,她的摄影也绽放出独特光芒。
Aëla Labbé is a contemporary dancer and film photographer from Brittany France. She had learnt contemporary dance in Amsterdam, and now she is teaching it as a professional dancer. When it comes to her film photography, we will discover her unique enchantment.
Aëla Labbé 的摄影作品相关网站:个人网站、Flickr、Facebook
Aëla Labbé 的情境创造在摄影与编舞上十分相似,专注于肢体、空间、时间的语意和连结,在藉由怀带激情的舞蹈动作,或如同复古梦境的气氛中,那些舒展而出的情绪感染力是她作品中常见的题材。
Aëla Labbé builds the sense of her photography and choreographic in the similar way. She focuses on the language and connection of these three elements: body, space, and time. By the passional dancing actions or the dreamlike antique atmosphere, the emotional force are common themes of her work.
【少女】Young Ladies
在Aëla Labbé 作品的幻魅气质中,她经常以穿着骨董洋装的年轻女性为主角,摆出像是垂丝木偶那些幽灵般却又近乎舞蹈的动作,而场景可能是在自然原始的森林、海岸、或是倾颓的旧屋。
With her phantom atmosphere, young women in antique dresses are the common leading roles in Aëla Labbé’s portrait. Sometimes the women express spooky dancing actions like marionettes , and the locations maybe the natural forests and coastlines, or the ruined houses.
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