日本摄影师 Yoshitaka Goto:仿佛走入电影世界的科幻奇想

Yoshitaka Goto,现居日本岐阜市的底片摄影师,他经常以重复曝光的手法,将异地旅行时的片刻时光,变换成充满魔幻与鲜艳色彩的奇想世界。在他的底片作品中,不同国家与地域的景色重叠于同一张影像上,像是冰岛与香港、曼哈顿与日本、 ……他将自然与城市两个仿佛光谱极端的景色融合,呈现带有未来感的科幻画面。
Yoshitaka Goto is a film photographer based in Gifu City, Japan. He often uses multiple-exposure in his images for recording the moment in his journeys, and transfers them into a fantasy world and with vivid colors. In his film works, the various scenery from different countries and regions is exposed on the same film, like Iceland and Hong Kong, Manhattan and Japan, … he combines the scenes with extreme differences to express futuristic science fiction imagination.
Yoshitaka Goto 的摄影作品相关网站:Facebook、Instagram、个人网页、Lomography作品页面
将不同画面叠加于同一张底片的重复曝光,是底片摄影中充满未知数的表现方式,复数个影像重复曝光后的结果总是难以预测,而增添了在冲片后的期待与惊艳。 Yoshitaka Goto 于社群网站分享的作品中,他的重复曝光作品有时以鲜艳的色彩带来视觉上的刺激,有时则将来自地球上不同地区的风景重复曝光,仿佛将科幻电影中由特效所构筑的宏构场景,置入手中的相机与胶卷里头。
In film photography, exposing multiple moments on the same films is a technique with many unknown elements. The uncertain fruition brings the expectation and astonishment after processing films.Yoshitaka Goto's work on community sites often uses the vivid colors to stimulate our visual senses, he also applies multiple exposure in creating the Sci-Fi movie-like tremendous scenes by his handheld cameras and films.
Yoshitaka Goto 曾多次在海内外等地展出,或是在Lomography 所出版的摄影集中收录其作品,目前他将在9 月30 日至10 月2 日于大阪所举办的《UNKNOWN ASIA》中参与展出。
Yoshitaka Goto has exhibited his photography works in various countries, and Lomography has included his images in their published photobooks. Moreover, in 30/09/2016-02/10/2016, he will participate the art fair “UNKNOWN ASIA" in Osaka.
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